Monday, November 18, 2019

But the climate will still be a changing!

And the legend sputters on, from the UN on down
Of the big fake they call global warming
The scam it is is said really fuck up the heads
Of the morons who believe it’s alarming

Instead of iron ore she carries a young attention whore
Who’s words have been crafted to scare you
It’s all stress and strife how we ruined her life
Blah bub blah blah blah blah blah how dare you!!

This turd is the pride of the climate change side
As they’re constant with endless reminders
As loud mouth girls go she is louder than most
With her handlers and parents behind her
She’s used up her stay and will now go away

On a boat that she chose for publicity
She’s put her fat ass on some floating fiberglass
Made from oil and coal and electricity

The wind in the wires made a tattletale sound
As a wave broke over the railing
And all of them knew it was a giant fuck you
Cuz the witch of November came stealing

The dawn came late and the breakfast has to wait
Because Greta had puked in the kitchen
When afternoon came it was freezing rain
All the worse cuz she wouldn’t stop bitching

Does any one know where next Greta will go
When her voice can turn minutes to hours
They thought she was dead after they clubbed her head
Cuz she always refused to take showers

They agreed what the heck she just slipped on the deck
They agreed that she’d never remember
And all just the same thought it’d be best to blame
That nefarious witch of November
They found that young snag, all laid out bound and gagged
With duct tape some rope and some wire

They treated her rough because they’d had enough
Of the lectures and shit from this crier
With whip marks on her butt and with both eyes puffed shut
She slinked off the boat quite dejected
She’s just a young tool and a gigantic fool
And she still hates the man we elected

In a musty flop house down the Amsterdam way
Sits a climate lap dog they call rover
That annoying little elf still talks to herself
She refuses to believe it’s all over

But the sun will still rise over Greta Thunder-thighs
And she’ll still keep bullshit deranging
The media’s her friend and it will never end
But the climate will still be a changing!

Thank You General Mossberg. 

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