Saturday, August 6, 2022




  1. You've apparently missed the official line - Ukraine good, Putin bad. You're supposed to gloss over the neonasty faction who make up a goodly proportion of the Ukraine electorate.

  2. Winner winner chicken dinner.
    Interestingly, the media news pieces are starting to talk about the grift over there. Hmmm... whats changed? Palace intrigue? Are Brandon's days numbered?

    1. It's a pretty sad statement that when the media starts to tell a version closer to the truth that we immediately wonder what their motivation is. We already know they're partisan whores willing to prostitute their ideals for the sake of the party.

      This is why they hate "Let's go Brandon" so much. It is far less about Joe Biden and far more about the media: you're liars; we know you're liars; and we can prove you're liars.

  3. Ukraine notorious pit of corruption and pay offs ...ask Hunter and his ole' man.


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