Tuesday, September 7, 2021




  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalidomide_scandal
    and people ask me why l don't trust my government when they try bribe me, then try beat me with a stick, to get me to take the JAB(TM)

  2. Gee,Wally, do you think they are givin us the bizniss?
    They ran an experiment on a community of black guys, gave them syphilis and wouldn't treat it, tracked their health as it declined. Fukkin awful stuff..
    The harder they push, the more determined I am to say no.


All comments will be moderated due to mostly ALL THE SPAM & ignorant fucks that think I give a shit what they think.
If I pissed you off, GOOD! I LOVE PISSING OFF SCUMBAG LEFTIES. Marketers will be hunted down and dealt with.