Friday, September 24, 2021




  1. No Questions Need be Asked. There is NO FINE Print, Exceptions, Loopholes, or Special Circumstances Authorized... Therefore Pack up Your Schifft SPANKY, and Take your old Sagging Sorry Azz up and OUT with You. Don't Dilly Dally Around, the Fumigation process begins in Three Hours. You have been WARNED! We Are DONE Giving a Shit. Has anybody seen that lil Weasel Dick Barry, the Constantly Irritated Shaved Wookie, Big Mike, and their constant Smeagle looking Simian Companion Val-J?

  2. Since the legislative branch are elected AND sworn to an oath, can we just erase every unconstitutional law, because it was born in fraud?


All comments will be moderated due to mostly ALL THE SPAM & ignorant fucks that think I give a shit what they think.
If I pissed you off, GOOD! I LOVE PISSING OFF SCUMBAG LEFTIES. Marketers will be hunted down and dealt with.