Saturday, November 27, 2021

!!! THIS !!!



  1. This appears to be a photo of "Popcorn" Sutton, a legendary moonshiner.
    A full length documentary about him, his history, and his methods can be found here:
    "This is the Last Dam Run of Likker I'll Ever Make"
    Shortly after the film was released, the federal government cracked down on him again and reported his intention to sell hundreds of gallons of the shine made in the film.
    Prior to the day he was supposed to turn himself back over for re-incarceration, he attached a hose to his cars exhaust pipe and deprived the Feds of the pleasure.
    I HIGHLY recommend the film!!

  2. THAT is "Popcorn", The BEST moonshine maker in TENN.

  3. When I reached my teens my dad told me that if I wanted a car I'd have to pay for it myself. It was almost unheard of where and when I grew up to have parents buy cars for their offspring. Not like nowadays.....


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