Saturday, June 6, 2020

Did BLM Do That?


  1. You mean Lincoln the tyrant? The guy who did not care one whit about the slaves or black people? I cannot stand BLM but it makes sense to me why they would target the Tyrant, sorry, Lincoln Memorial.

  2. Check the videos, find the bastards that did this, and execute them publicly.

  3. They don't want to find the joggers that did this . It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't hear down mlk's monuments. It would make my heart warm!

  4. That photo is photoshopped, but they did graffiti the outside by the steps with "Y'all tired yet?"

  5. Don't want to get blasted, because I'm against this riotous bullshit as much as anyone or more ... But this is a photoshop. Just saying.


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