Friday, January 10, 2020



  1. Can someone with a few extra bucks turn this into a postcard and make LOTS of copies so we can deluge little nanny warbucks with them? We could send some to little ralphie in Virginia as well....................

  2. I've pondered for only a moment and have reached the sound conclusion that if "guns" are taken from law abiding citizens, then only government and criminals will have guns. The next logical step would be for government to immediately thereafter remove the ability for anyone to purchase ammunition, in which case, criminals will be chopping us up with axes and feeding on our portions with steak sauce...


All comments will be moderated due to mostly ALL THE SPAM & ignorant fucks that think I give a shit what they think.
If I pissed you off, GOOD! I LOVE PISSING OFF SCUMBAG LEFTIES. Marketers will be hunted down and dealt with.